Invasive Insects and Plants
The County of Brant is committed to protecting our local forests from deforestation caused by Invasive Insects and Plants.
Invasive insects and plants that are known in the County of Brant:
- Asian Long Horned Beetle
- Autumn Olive
- Beech Bark Disease
- Beech Leaf Disease
- Black Locust
- Common Buckthorn
- Dog Strangling Vine
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Garlic Mustard
- Giant Hogweed
- Hammerhead Worm
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Invasive Bittersweet
- Japanese Knotwood
- Multi Flora Rose
- Oak Wilt
- Phragmites
- Spongy Moths
- Spotted Knapwood
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Tree of Heaven
- Wild Parsnip
- To report an invasive plant or insect (with the exception of Giant Hogweed), visit the EDD Maps webpage
- To report a sighting of Giant Hogweed, visit the Report a Problem webpage
For more information on Invasive Insects and Plants Best Management Practices, visit the Invasive Species Center webpage.
If you see or are concerned about any of the above invasive insects or plants in the County of Brant, contact our Forestry Team.