Signs posted in the County of Brant must follow restrictions.
Where are signs prohibited?
The Sign By-Law (PDF) prohibits the erection or display of signs in a variety of locations including (but not limited to):
- On, over or partly over a street (except for an official sign or sign otherwise authorized by the County of Brant)
- On a provincial highway, or on a property that is fronting a provincial highway except subject to Ministry of Transportation requirements
- In a location where the sign may interfere with or damage any above or below ground municipal or utility services
What kinds of signs are prohibited?
- A sign other than a billboard sign located on a property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of 90 days or more, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer applies
- Any banner except a banner located within a public road allowance as approved by Council, erected for a maximum of two occasions per year for a maximum of 14 days per occasion subject to the requirements for fascia signs in the Sign By-Law
- A flashing, animated or video sign
- Any sign with an electronic message display, without first receiving written confirmation from County of Brant staff
- A sign supported entirely or partly by the roof of a building or structure and which sign projects above the roof
- A billboard sign unless permitted
- A sign located as to obstruct the view of any pedestrian or motor vehicle driver so as to cause an unsafe condition
- A sign attached to, interfering with or obstructing the view of an authorized traffic sign, traffic signal or official sign, or any sign capable of being confused with such a traffic sign, traffic signal or official sign
- A sign located within a sight triangle
- An illuminated sign that directs light into a residential or agricultural zone
- A sign on a vehicle or trailer where the vehicle or trailer is used primarily as a sign
- A sign supported by a tree, bush or shrub
- A sign located within a required parking space as defined in the County Zoning By-Law
- A sign which conveys offensive, libelous or obscene words or images or a message that contravenes any law of Canada or Ontario
- A sign which obstructs openings required for light, ventilation, ingress, egress or firefighting
- A sign on a concrete or masonry noise attenuation wall
- A sign where it constitutes a danger or hazard to the general public
- A sign on any property without the owner's permission
- An overhanging sign unless authorized by permit
For more information about signs, contact the County of Brant.
View the full Sign By-Law (PDF)