Tree conservation is an integral part of promoting sustainable and managed growth patterns.
The purpose of the Good Forestry Practices Bylaw (PDF) is to:
- Conserve and improve the health of natural heritage areas by controlling and reducing clear cutting
- Improve resilience and adaptation to climate change
- Implement the County's strategic priority for Sustainable and Managed Growth by protecting and enhancing the natural environment
- Promote good forestry practices that sustain and improve healthy natural heritage areas and their related long-term social, economic, and environmental values
- Protect, promote, and enhance the many benefits that trees contribute to the County in terms of aesthetics, human health, recreation, and overall enjoyment and quality of life
- Reduce airborne pollution, protecting and improving the quality and quantity of water, preventing soil and wind erosion, reducing water run-off, and providing cooler temperatures in the summer
- Promote and implement the objectives and policies in the County's Official Plan, Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe on climate change and green infrastructure and regards to the protection, maintenance, and restoration of natural heritage features, areas, and systems
Good Forestry Practices Permit
The County encourages landowners to manage forests in a manner that is consistent with good forestry practices to sustain and improve healthy natural areas and their related long-term social, economic, and environmental values.
A Good Forestry Practices Permit is required to harvest trees in accordance with a silviculture prescription. The prescription must be prepared by a Qualified Ontario Professional Foresters Association Member.
To apply for a permit, please submit a Good Forestry Practices Permit Application
Clear Cutting Permit
While tree conservation is important, it is recognized that there may be limited situations in which clear cutting forested areas is warranted. In such situations, an assessment of environmental impacts and replacement trees is required.
Where an applicant would like to clear trees that are not exempt in the Bylaw and/or cannot be authorized in accordance with a Good Forestry Practices Permit, an application may be made for a Clear Cutting Permit.
Owners are encouraged to consult with County staff prior to submitting a Clear Cutting Permit to obtain preliminary feedback including alternative options to clear cutting, environmental constraints, replacement trees, and approvals that may be required by other agencies.
To apply, submit a Clear Cutting Permit Application
Additional information
Hazardous Trees due to Decay, Disease or Being Damaged |
To protect the life of any person on or near a property from trees that pose an unreasonable risk or hazard, the County requires properties to be free from trees that are unsafe due to decay, disease or being damaged. The Property Standards Bylaw (PDF) regulates trees that are in an unsafe condition. |
Trees on County Roads |
To conserve trees, planting, removal and maintenance of trees are regulated on County owned roads pursuant to Tree Maintenance Bylaw (PDF) Under this Bylaw, only the Operations Department can administer/supervise:
Except in an emergency, owners of land adjacent to a tree scheduled for removal will be given written notice 10 days before the removal. You cannot plant, remove or injure trees located on County owned roads without approval from the County. You may be fined, charged and/or required to pay all expenses to repair or remove a tree, or to plant a replacement tree. |