Bee City
The County of Brant has been officially designated a Bee City Canada community! By becoming a Bee City, Brant joins a national initiative that shows our commitment to sustainable practices and engagement opportunities for residents in climate and environmental action.
Bee City Canada is a national organization that promotes pollinator conservation in Canada by collaborating with municipalities, schools, and businesses to encourage the establishment of pollinator gardens, reduction of pesticide uses and raise awareness about the importance of pollinators. Bee City Canada also provides resources and recognition to communities that commit to their program. Their work contributes to biodiversity preservation and the well-being of both pollinators and humans. For more information, visit the Bee City Canada website.
As a Bee City, the County of Brant commits to:
- Creating, maintaining and/or improving pollinator habitat.
- Educating their community, employees and/or customers about the importance of pollinators.
- Celebrating pollinators during National Pollinator Week or at other times.
The requirements to maintain this certification align well with ongoing goals within Brant, such as redesigning garden beds to reduce water consumption, promoting the growth of non-invasive, native plant species, consider sustainable maintenance practices, while also contributing to our objective of increasing canopy coverage throughout the County.
At the October 24, 2023, County of Brant Council Meeting Council endorsed a staff report to apply to become a Bee City community.
Visit our Pollinator Garden
The County of Brant has a Pollinator Garden located in Paris on Aspen Street. This is a garden containing flowers that provide pollinators with nectar or pollen as food sources. These plants attract bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other important pollinators. To learn more about Pollinators, visit our Pollinators webpage.