Hydro One
HydroOne website
To report an outage: 1.800.434.1235
GrandBridge Energy
GrandBridge website
To report an outage: 1.833.POWER.01 (769.3701)
Enbridge Gas
Enbridge Gas website
1.888.774.3111 or 1.888.427.8888
The County of Brant is responsible for overseeing water, wastewater and stormwater services and GrandBridge Energy manages the water and wastewater accounts.
New water connection
To connect a new building to the water and wastewater service, please contact the County of Brant Water Division.
New water account
To set up an account, or for questions pertaining to your water account, please visit the GrandBridge Energy website, email GrandBridge Energy or call
519.621.3530 or toll-free 1.877.871.2215
Internet, cable and phone
- Bell
- Execulink Telecom Inc.
- First Nations Cable
- Freedom Mobile
- KWIC Internet
- Maple WIFI
- MegaWire
- Netflash Internet Solutions
- NetOptiks
- Rogers Internet
- Shaw
- SkyChoice Communications
- Source Cable
- Spectrum Cable
- StarLink
- Xplornet
Utility locate services
One Call – Call Before You Dig
One Call website