Healthy, Safe and Engaged Citizens
Strategic Priority: Healthy, Safe and Engaged Citizens
Goal: Offer welcoming and inclusive programs, services, facilities, opportunities and events to enhance every resident's quality of life.
A key to maintaining a high quality of life for citizens is to provide access to a range of services and programs that promote healthy and active living. Recreation programs, park and natural spaces all provide residents with opportunities to be physically and socially active. Health care services and facilities provide people with treatments and strategies to stay healthy and live longer. Strong correlations exist between healthy and active residents and safer communities.
Objective 1: Create and sustain opportunities for residents to be actively engaged in recreational, social and community activities.
Action |
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Action 1 |
Implement the Recreation Master Plan recommendations according to the implementation strategy outlined in level 4 of the plan, including annual reporting. |
The recommendations and associated implementation strategy for the Recreation Master Plan is underway. An annual report on the progress for implementation of the plan is complete and was received by Council in 2020. An annual progress report is scheduled for Council's review each year. |
Action 2 |
Complete an Arts and Culture Strategy by the end of 2021. |
The completion of the Strategy was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and personnel change. The development of the Strategy is now underway. |
Objective 2: Improve resident's access to quality health care services.
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Action 1 |
Complete the Brant Community Health Hub project by June 2021. |
While delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cowan Community Health Hub was open to leaseholders in October 2021, and opened to the public in late November 2021. |
Action 2 |
Initiate a County physician recruitment program and recruit 4 new physicians by the opening of the Brant Community Health Hub project. |
While recruitment efforts were clearly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, one (1) new physician has been recruited to work in the Cowan Community Health Hub, and efforts continue in conjunction with the Brant Community Healthcare System and the City of Brantford. Additional investment for physician recruitment are pending the 2023 budget decisions. |
Objective 3: Make the community safe for residents.
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Action 1 |
Compete the Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan by the end of 2020. |
While delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and with the legislative deadline extended by the Province, the Plan was approved by Council prior to the revised deadline in June 2021. |
Action 2 |
Fully implement the Brant Safe Streets Strategy by the end of 2019. |
All aspects of the Strategy were available to the public and in place by the end of 2019. |
Objective 4: Engage in productive dialogue with the Grand Erie District School Board and Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board to ensure that local schools are effectively serving students.