Mission, Vision and the Strategic Plan
The vision for the County of Brant is to be a charming, prosperous and inclusive community. A place to live, work and play.
Mission Statement
To enhance the quality of life of those who live, work or play in the County by providing for the efficient and effective delivery of local services.
Strategic Plan
To participate in shaping the new Strategic Plan, visit www.brant.ca/OurFuture.
Throughout the spring of 2019, the County of Brant engaged citizens to learn about their hopes, expectations and priorities. The community provided excellent feedback which allowed Council to craft a Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan is rooted in a vision. The vision was created from the themes that emerged from the community engagement process.
- The Strategic Plan Action Program will unfold from 2019 - 2023.
- In September 2019, Council approved the Strategic Plan report (PDF) and the Strategic Plan Action Plan - Summary (PDF)
- Visit our Corporate Strategy Flowchart (PDF) to see how it all fits together.
Learn about the Strategic Priorities
The strategic priorities are listed below (in no particular order). Follow along as we meet and exceed goals for the County of Brant.
Sustainable and Managed Growth
Grow in a responsible manner that protects and enhances the attributes that are unique to each individual community.
Effective Communications
Engage citizens in a dialogue that is transparent, multi-faceted, and mutually respectful.
Economic Resilience
Facilitate the growth of a diversified local economy.
Reliable Infrastructure
Optimize existing assets and develop new assets to support the current and future needs of the community.
Healthy, Safe and Engaged Citizens
Offer welcoming and inclusive programs, services, facilities, opportunities and events to enhance every resident's quality of life.
Stable and Responsible Governance
Ensure the County has the financial, human, and physical resources required to deliver quality, reliable, accountable and affordable public service.