Open air burning
Open air burning is regulated in the County of Brant. Find out when you need a permit and when you don't, and how to safely have an outdoor fire.

Camp Phoenix
Camp Phoenix is a free, immersive experience for girls aged 14-18 to simulate real-life scenarios in all areas of fire prevention and suppression, search and rescue, auto extrication, basic first aid and more.

Fire Prevention and Safety
The County of Brant Fire Prevention team offers information and resources to help you and your family take fire prevention and safety into your own hands. Be sure to follow our fire prevention tips to keep you and your family safe throughout the entire year.

Flashing Green Lights
A green flashing light is used to alert motorists that the vehicle is on its way to an emergency and to please yield or pullover.
Learn more
Lithium Ion Batteries
Lithium ion batteries supply power to many kinds of devices, including smart phones, laptops, scooters, e-cigarettes, smoke alarms, and toys. Handle these batteries carefully. In rare instances, they can cause a fire or explosion.

'Those Fire Guys' video podcast
To keep both you and your family safe. Fire Prevention Officers Doug Kellam and Tom Waldschmidt discuss the importance of fire safety and offer their experiences in the "Those Fire Guys" podcast series.