The Downtown Dig
In 2025, downtown Paris on Grand River Street North will undergo major reconstruction. This level of construction in a downtown occurs every 75-100 years. It includes replacing critical major infrastructure which will ensure the longevity of the thriving downtown for decades to come. The final result will be beautiful, functional and accessible for all.

The Plan
View the Overview of Downtown Paris Redevelopment and Implementation of Downtown Paris Master Plan.

Support for Businesses
The County of Brant is exploring several other opportunities to support businesses which will be fully developed in the Business Mitigation Plan and shared with you in Fall 2024.

Engage Brant - Community
We welcome the community to learn more about this project and provide feedback!

Engage Brant - Businesses
Businesses are invited to learn more about this project and provide feedback. An invitation is required to view this page, email invest@brant.ca to request access.
"As the Town of Paris looks to the future, urban design is a powerful tool that will help shape the physical setting of the downtown. At its heart, urban design incorporates a “people first” design philosophy. This design approach promotes healthy and socially interactive neighbourhoods that contribute to the economic success of the entire area. Using the principles from urban design protects the qualities of this charming community and deters us from becoming just another suburb."
- Downtown Paris Master Plan Report