County of Brant appoints new General Manager of Community Services

The County of Brant is pleased to announce that Philip Mete has accepted the role of General Manager of Community Services effective Monday, October 23, 2023.
“We would like to welcome Philip to the organization,” said Alison Newton, Chief Administrative Officer. “With over 20 years of municipal experience and a diverse background, Philip possesses a wealth of knowledge to bring to the position.”
Mr. Mete, a Professional Engineer (PEng) holds his Masters Certificate in Municipal Administration. His municipal background includes roles in engineering, public works, and parks and facilities and he most recently held the role of General Manager of Public Works Operations for Haldimand County.
“I am thankful for the opportunity to join the County of Brant team and I look forward to collaborating with staff,” said Mr. Mete. “There is so much to be excited about in this community and I am happy to be a part of it."
The General Manager of Community Services role opened following a corporate reorganization that was approved by County of Brant Council this past summer. This reorganization saw the previous General Manager move into the role of General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services.