Communication Tower and Antenna Protocol
Telecommunications is a federal government responsibility. The approval of the location of new telecommunication towers is the responsibility of Industry Canada.
Under some circumstances, when new telecommunications towers are proposed, Industry Canada can request municipalities to comment on the proposal to Industry Canada.
The purpose of Communication tower and antenna preferred protocol is to outline the local land-use consultation process and guidelines to be followed in evaluating communication tower and communication antenna site proposals within the County of Brant.
The objectives of this protocol are:
1. To establish a harmonized County-wide process and criteria for reviewing communication tower and communication antenna site proposals;
2. To set out a straightforward, objective process, criteria and guidelines for the evaluation of communication tower and communication antenna site proposals that:
(a) minimize the number of new communication tower and communication antenna sites, where appropriate;
(b) discourage new communication tower and communication antenna sites within or adjacent to Residential Uses and Natural Heritage System Features and other sensitive land uses as may be defined/identified in section 2;
(c) encourage new communication tower and communication antenna sites on, within or adjacent to Institutional Facilities, Parks and Recreation Areas as well as facilities, buildings, lands, properties and/or structures of a Public Agency or Authority as may be defined/identified in section 2, where a business case can demonstrate that the anticipated outcomes, benefits and revenues of the tower or antenna project outweigh the expects costs and risks of the tower or antenna project;
(d) provide an opportunity for meaningful local public consultation with affected property owners; and
(e) allow ISED Canada and the communications industry to identify and resolve any potential land use, siting or design concerns with the County at an early stage in the process.
3. To provide an expeditious review process for communication tower and communication antenna site proposals that are established in accordance with this protocol; and
4. To establish a local land-use consultation framework that allows the County to provide input on all non-exempt communication tower and communication antenna site proposals to proponents and ISED Canada in order that the proponent can satisfy the requirements of ISED Canada regarding local land-use consultation.
View the complete protocol:
Communication tower and communication antenna preferred location protocol (PDF)