Designating your Property
The County of Brant can designate heritage structures that have historical and/or architectural significance in the community. The Ontario Heritage Act gives municipal council the authority to designate heritage structures.
Heritage designation
Property owners can seek a Heritage Designation of a building if it meets the heritage designation criteria.
During the designation process, property owners keep control of their property. The owner can still sell and use the property.
Once designated, the owner is not obligated to restore or maintain the structure beyond what is normally expected under the Property Standards Bylaw (PDF). However, Council's consent must be granted for owners to alter or renovate designated features of the site.
Advantages to designating your property
- Designation only takes place after public consultation and research. Built heritage helps give the community identity and distinctiveness
- Designation also helps protect structures from inappropriate changes or demolition, at least until alternatives and other suggestions are explored
- Designation does not negatively impact property values, and often helps protect values during general downturns in the marketplace
- Designation status is registered on title so the recognition runs with the property, not the owner. This means the property will continue to be recognized for heritage value into the future
- The renovation and renewal of heritage buildings provides employment opportunities
- Developing existing properties can have less impact on the environment, natural resources and energy consumption
Designation criteria
Characteristics the County of Brant Heritage Committee uses to determine if the property has historic value include:
- Age of building
- Architectural style
- Workmanship
- Landscape situation
- Type of materials used in construction
- Whether building is associated with an important historical figure/ event
- Whether building is work of prominent architect or builder
- Uniqueness of building in the community
- Historical integrity preserved/ extent of alterations and additions to this point
Heritage Committee
The Heritage Committee is an advisory committee that works to research and make recommendations to council. The committee looks at buildings that may be eligible for designation as well as any proposed alterations/improvements that are planned for properties that are already designated.
The committee promotes heritage matters and provides information and educational opportunities to our community. These include walking and driving tours, online updates and monthly meetings open to the public.
The committee was established in 2000. It has nine volunteers from the community, plus one member of council and two County of Brant staff representatives.