Planning Applications
Pre-Consultation Meeting for Development Applications
On June 6, 2024, Bill 185: Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act removed the authority to require, by by-law, mandatory Pre-Consultation with the County prior to the submission of a planning application.
Prior to making a development application under the Planning Act, a Pre-Consultation meeting is encourgaed. This meeting provides the Owner(s), Applicant(s), and/or Authorized Agent(s) an opportunity to present and review the proposed development application with various County of Brant Departments and related commenting Agencies. It will assist in identifying and discussing potential concerns, determining the process, timelines, associated fees, and the required information/materials to be submitted with the formal application as part of a "complete" submission.
The applicant can use the Planning Application Checklist Package to develop their application. Note County Staff will not issue a Planning Application Checklist unless an applicant has completed a Pre-Consultation meeting with the County.
To book your Pre-Consultation Meeting, please complete the online Pre-Consultation Meeting Request form.