Ownership Changes
To change the ownership of a property, complete the Ownership Change Application form (paper copies available at the office) along with the documentation listed below. Submit the documents to the County of Brant Administration office, 26 Park Ave. Burford.
Along with this form, you must provide one of the following:
- Deed from a customer or lawyer
- Lawyers letter indicating a change in ownership
- Municipal Sales Listing received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
- Death certificate
- Marriage certificate (name change only)
Ownership changes due to death
- If the property is owned jointly, the ownership will be changed to the surviving owner
- If the property is owned in the deceased person's name only, the property ownership will be changed to read "Estate"
Ownership changes due to marriage
- The name on the property ownership will be changed to reflect the name on the marriage certificate
Tax statements and certificates
Property Tax Statements/Certificates can be requested by filling out the online Tax Certificate form.