Heavy Truck Routes
The County of Brant's Bylaw 182-05 restricts heavy truck traffic from travelling through the communities of:
- Paris - south of Silver Street and north of King Edward Street/Dundas Street East
- Burford - Alexander Street, Rutherford Street and West Andrew Street
Why restrict heavy truck routes?
- Supports safe and timely movement of goods and services
- Recognizes and tries to limit the impacts of truck traffic on the interests of the greater community such as safety, congestion, noise, and air quality
- Protects the County's road infrastructure that cannot bear heavy loads or roads where truck traffic would be unsuitable (example: narrow lanes, weight restrictions on bridges).
What is a heavy truck?
A 'heavy truck' is defined as:
- A vehicle with more than two axles and six tires (example: bus, excluding a school bus)
- A vehicle with an unloaded vehicle weight, as shown on the vehicle portion of the vehicle permit (Veh Wt.) exceeding 5,000 kilograms (5 tonnes) as per defined in the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario
This does not include a vehicle making a delivery to, or a collection from, a bona fide destination which cannot be reached via a highway or highways upon which heavy vehicles are not prohibited, having taken the most direct route to the destination.
Drivers found in contravention could face a fine of $110.00 and two (2) demerit points for the offense of Disobey Sign Section 182(2) of the Highway Traffic Act.
If you have concerns regarding heavy trucks travelling on streets where "No Heavy Truck" signs are posted, contact the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P) at 1.888.310.1122.