Water Accounts
View the 2024 Water and Wastewater Rate Notice (PDF)
County of Brant municipal water and wastewater accounts are managed entirely through GrandBridge Energy.
To set up an account, to request a water certificate or for questions pertaining to your account, contact Grandbridge Energy:
- T. 519.621.3530
- T.F. 1.877.871.2215
- Email GrandBridge Energy
- Visit the GrandBridge Energy Webpage
New water and wastewater service connection
To connect a new building to the water and wastewater service, please contact the County of Brant Water Division.
Water shut-off for an extended period
Consumers who are away for extended periods or otherwise will not be using water may request that their water be temporarily turned off. During this time, consumers will pay 75% of the fixed monthly water charge. The fixed charge applies because certain fixed costs are incurred whether water is used or not.